Nr. 80

Wiener Spiralkartoffel & Punsch

Punschsache OG

Spiral (sweet) potato as well as various hot drinks

The team of “punschsache” is especially proud of the freshly prepared hot Viennese spiral potatoes. Regional potatoes from the Waldviertel region provide a savoury treat for big and small appetites. The young team offers creative and innovative hot drinks in addition to traditional punch and mulled wine varieties such as the berry and orange punch. The brand new homemade Berliner Luft-Punch, the Glüh-Aperol and a unique mulled gin provide a comforting warm feeling on cold and snowy winter days. Come over and see for yourself!


Period: 18/11/2023 – 04/01/2024
Country: Brunn am Gebirge, Austria

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