Nr. 73

Wiener Wachswerkstatt

Wiener Wachswerkstatt

Bee’s-wax candles

Are you already tired of the dark season? Let us bring you some light!
The beeswax candles of the Wiener Wachswerkstatt are classy, colorful and handmade. Since 2012, Gerald and Clemens Ottel have been reviving the traditional craft of wax drawing in their "Wiener Wachs Werkstatt" in the fourth district. They offer candles in a wide variety of colors and shapes, as well as matching gift boxes. For the hand-rolled candles, they use beeswax from their own apiary and purchased beeswax from Austrian farms. During processing, the beeswax is kept free of added flavorings, stearin or kerosene and thus retains its high quality and characteristic honey-like scent. It is a long way from the wax block to the finished candle. Craftsmanship and skill determine the result. Convince yourself!


Period: 01/12/2023 – 12/12/2023
Country: Vienna, Austria
Material: Wax

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